Saturday, May 21, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
i don't think same with your mind
ini masalah band gue yang ga pernah kompak setiap latihan atau mau manggung di acara festivalan,pasti ada aja keluhannya, di situ gue merasa down waktu si RYAN bilang "man,anak anak ga ada motor buat kesitu nya,(waktu mau manggung) si padahal gue udah punya persiapaan clothes buat tampil, sebelum nya gue tau mereka ga bakal dateng,tapi gue mau coba test meraka jadi dateng apa gak,ternya bener merek ga dateng! nah, disitu gue mutusin band kit BUBAR,padahal cuma masalah yang ga begitu penting!
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Monday, May 02, 2011
yaayy! pagi yang mengecoh kan pikiran gue,
belum sempet ke kamar mndi,belum sempet makan, gue udah ngedender suaara gaduh di rumah , gaak tau kenapa
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
he Design Inspiration is created by a group of designers who are seeking various design inspiration every day.
To make every designer's life easier, we decided to feature the best
logos, illustrations, websites, photos and patterns from the most
talented designers from all around the world. And we would like to make
sure that you are getting the freshest and best quality design
inspirations daily.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
You are at the bookbinding of Play Guitar method. Let's call this page, Home.
Each page is considered as a lesson! The best way to practice is directly from your monitor screen so you can hear each piece by clicking the: "play" button.
To navigate within the method book, see the chapters above. To navigate within the chapter's pages, follow the links below!
So, let's get started! Please open your browser to a full screen [F11] and follow the link below...
You are at the bookbinding of Play Guitar method. Let's call this page, Home.
Each page is considered as a lesson! The best way to practice is directly from your monitor screen so you can hear each piece by clicking the: "play" button.
To navigate within the method book, see the chapters above. To navigate within the chapter's pages, follow the links below!
So, let's get started! Please open your browser to a full screen [F11] and follow the link below...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
sit on the shop with my friend
before to entered the holl we usualy sit in the edge street yeash,in there are a good chair, so to rest a moment
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
the story of the evil twins #PART ONE
sixteen years, old elizabeth wkefield stood in her bedroom in her robe and slippers on wednesday morning, staring without enthusiasm at the contents of her closet. it's the last day of school before christmas vacation, she reflected,examining a blouse and then a dress, traditionally there were holiday parties in every class, nd the entrie sweet valley high student body dressed up for the occasion. i should probably wear something nice....
is alone in my dark room because the lamp was switched off
bored and bored just created story on my blog
Monday, February 14, 2011
Dunia musik Indonesia kini memperkenalkan Music Gallery, yakni
festival musik indie yang mengundang serta menampilkan artis indie yang
bergaung 10 tahun terakhir. Iven ini semacam wadah apresiasi para band
indie di tengah minimnya acara seperti band ini.
"Memberi wadah apresiasi band yang konsisten di jalur indie dan mempertemukan penggemar mereka. Acara indie kan jarang, jadi ini untuk penyegaran awal tahun," ujar Areno Papadaki selaku Head of Publication kepada media nasional.
Mengenai konsep acara, digelar seperti festival dengan dua panggung kecil dan besar. Bertempat di Upper Room Annex Building, Hotel Nikko, Jakarta Pusat, pada Sabtu (5/2) lalu, ditampilkan band indie, baik baru ataupun muka lama di belantika musik sidestream di atas dua panggung tersebut.
Panggung kecil untuk band muda yang bagus dan merintis karir di jalur indie, terutama untuk mempromosikan band mereka. Panggung besar untuk band yang sudah mempunyai nama, seperti Pure Saturday, Mocca, Endah N Rhesa, Gugun and Blues Shelter, The S.I.G.I.T dan banyak lagi.
Kriteria dalam Music Gallery ini adalah band populer selama 10 tahun terakhir. Pihak panitia mengumpulkan nama band yang pentas berdasarkan survei, lalu sebelum mengundang dimintai komentar teman-teman yang selama ini konsen dengan musik indie. Dari nama-nama yang diusulkan, barulah dibuat list band yang tampil.
Kegiatan Music Gallery sebenarnya bukan baru dilakukan tahun ini. Sudah sejak 8 tahun lalu festival ini digelar. Sebelumnya pakai nama Acoustic Across, dan kinidiganti nama karena ganti konsep. Sebelumnya ada kompetisi dengan malam puncak penampilan pemenang dan dimeriahkan bintang tamu.
"Memberi wadah apresiasi band yang konsisten di jalur indie dan mempertemukan penggemar mereka. Acara indie kan jarang, jadi ini untuk penyegaran awal tahun," ujar Areno Papadaki selaku Head of Publication kepada media nasional.
Mengenai konsep acara, digelar seperti festival dengan dua panggung kecil dan besar. Bertempat di Upper Room Annex Building, Hotel Nikko, Jakarta Pusat, pada Sabtu (5/2) lalu, ditampilkan band indie, baik baru ataupun muka lama di belantika musik sidestream di atas dua panggung tersebut.
Panggung kecil untuk band muda yang bagus dan merintis karir di jalur indie, terutama untuk mempromosikan band mereka. Panggung besar untuk band yang sudah mempunyai nama, seperti Pure Saturday, Mocca, Endah N Rhesa, Gugun and Blues Shelter, The S.I.G.I.T dan banyak lagi.
Kriteria dalam Music Gallery ini adalah band populer selama 10 tahun terakhir. Pihak panitia mengumpulkan nama band yang pentas berdasarkan survei, lalu sebelum mengundang dimintai komentar teman-teman yang selama ini konsen dengan musik indie. Dari nama-nama yang diusulkan, barulah dibuat list band yang tampil.
Kegiatan Music Gallery sebenarnya bukan baru dilakukan tahun ini. Sudah sejak 8 tahun lalu festival ini digelar. Sebelumnya pakai nama Acoustic Across, dan kinidiganti nama karena ganti konsep. Sebelumnya ada kompetisi dengan malam puncak penampilan pemenang dan dimeriahkan bintang tamu.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Sunday, February 06, 2011
i want to have your good days. give up it now and leaving my bad days just sharing guy
to fill blank time !
gini nih klo ga ada kerjaan yang hrus di kerjain, untuk mengisi waktu yng kosong ga asing lagi ya pasti gue posting di blog ini ,tapi ini ga sering baget buat ngepost nya, hanya sekedar berbagi cerita aja hahaha ini di lakukan ketika gue merasa bosan,jenuh paling lama gue ngepost 1 jam!
hahaha hanya mengisi waktu luang kok ga setiap hari
hahaha hanya mengisi waktu luang kok ga setiap hari
Friday, February 04, 2011
we never doing something is bad !
someday are good day, where i didn't bad things to my self . we should know that,everyone has some rules to the day may be it is good or bad things but we'll have a lesson from all that,and able to do that ( cool)
say it once more
someday are good day, where i didn't bad things to my self . we should know that,everyone has some rules to the day may be it is good or bad things but we'll have a lesson from all that,and able to do that ( cool)
say it once more
someday are good day, where i didn't bad things to my self . we should know that,everyone has some rules to the day may be it is good or bad things but we'll have a lesson from all that,and able to do that ( cool)
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
bad's something when i wanna to sleep . this is a bad day for me (02.02.2011)
yea, i did was wrong and my mind tought confused, felt bored,alone,in the dark's room without a bit light! so i've did it, after all that l called my friend. to losted some bad's mind
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
conversation on twitter with my dear,and she told me (i love you forever) haha !!! but it's bulshit :
@Luqmandeo: masa sih? ahahaha :p RT @misteriusGirl: oh my god, i'm very loving you? RT @Luqmandeo: cannot ! haahhah :p RT @misteriusGirl: yesh, i'm be on your mind :) enter up you on my heart kay ? :D RT @Luqmandeo: hello, where are you be? RT @misteriusGirl: we will together forever @Luqmandeo
when we were practiced our band on the night at the studio's anorexia !!
this is when we were practiced band's (ONE DAY OF GLAD) in the studio's anorexsia,and brought songs was made me bad mood !!!
yesh,you should know that! everyone has a form music was different. but my opinion is making a song for our creativites will be cool man! :) thanks for my friends had been made up be fun
this time i am feel confused on my mind, yeash i didn't anything,so bored
staring at the dark sky on times here wanna rain, well,i'll explain it the weather be dark and a storm big winds blowing to my house, yea, we're feel afraid.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
kamu telah kembali lagi paada saya ( you have been to back again to me)
kau telah kembali lagi pada saya (you have been to back again to me !
yesh! this is better things from the last ! you ever been tought if you wanna be mine. right? sometimes i remember you,and you always be on my mind, it's may be i've loved you .
i'm never doing for you
when i was stred your eyes i didn't know why my heart be shine because maybe i love you i'm never see a beautifful girl like you and now i can with you tonight
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
A camera is a device that records/stores images. These images
may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The
term camera comes from the(Latin for "dark chamber"), an early mechanism for projecting images. The modern camera evolved from the camera obscura.
Cameras may work with the light of the visible spectrum or with other portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. A camera generally consists of an enclosed hollow with an opening (aperture) at one end for light to enter, and a recording or viewing surface for capturing the light at the other end. A majority of cameras have a lens positioned in front of the camera's opening to gather the incoming light and focus all or part of the image on the recording surface. Most 20th century cameras used as a recording surface, while modern ones use an electronic The diameter of the aperture is often controlled by a mechanism, but some cameras have a fixed-size aperture.
The still camera takes one photo each time the user presses the . A typical a continuously takes 24 s per second as long as the user holds down the shutter button, or until the shutter button is pressed a second time.
From its inception, the camera has been instrumental in the recording of still images from then-present surroundings, and further modifications led to the development of motion picture sequences in the late 19th century. Cameras and the exhibition of camera-captured images are widely used in both professional and consumer settings in the 21st century for both mass and interpersonal communication purposes.
Cameras may work with the light of the visible spectrum or with other portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. A camera generally consists of an enclosed hollow with an opening (aperture) at one end for light to enter, and a recording or viewing surface for capturing the light at the other end. A majority of cameras have a lens positioned in front of the camera's opening to gather the incoming light and focus all or part of the image on the recording surface. Most 20th century cameras used as a recording surface, while modern ones use an electronic The diameter of the aperture is often controlled by a mechanism, but some cameras have a fixed-size aperture.
The still camera takes one photo each time the user presses the . A typical a continuously takes 24 s per second as long as the user holds down the shutter button, or until the shutter button is pressed a second time.
From its inception, the camera has been instrumental in the recording of still images from then-present surroundings, and further modifications led to the development of motion picture sequences in the late 19th century. Cameras and the exhibition of camera-captured images are widely used in both professional and consumer settings in the 21st century for both mass and interpersonal communication purposes.
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